Digital data drive evaluation of coatings

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Transform your testing results into a high-end Digital Twin of your coating

Our innovative digital data-driven evaluation tool for coatings, utilizing advanced non-destructive testing (NDT) technology and machine learning (ML) algorithms.

By combining Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques, our tool provides precise and comprehensive analysis of coating performance and properties. 

With the power of ML algorithms, our tool can quickly analyze and interpret vast amounts of data, providing accurate and reliable results for coating evaluation. This technology is a game-changer for the coatings industry, offering a more efficient, cost-effective, and accurate method for evaluating coating performance.


Spectra as the fingerprints of protective coatings

Spectra can indeed be thought of as the fingerprints of protective coatings. Just as each person has a unique set of fingerprints, each coating has a unique set of spectral characteristics that can be used to identify and analyze its composition and properties.

By using various spectroscopic techniques such as Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy, it is possible to obtain spectra that can be used to determine the chemical composition, thickness, and quality of a protective coating. 

By analyzing the spectra obtained from a coating, it is possible to detect any changes or degradation that may have occurred due to exposure to environmental factors such as UV light, heat, or moisture. This information can be used to determine the coating's performance and durability, and to develop strategies for improving its protective properties.

In summary, spectral analysis is a powerful tool for understanding the properties and behavior of protective coatings, and can be used to ensure that they are performing their intended function of protecting surfaces from damage and degradation.



Feel free to explore

  • Import spectra from CSV files
  • Visualize single/multiple spectra
  • FTIR Auto Peak detection
  • FTIR offset and normalization
  • EIS automatic equivalent circuit modelling for coating systems
  • EIS Z0.1Hz for integrity assessments


Free, no credit card needed

  • Import spectra from CSV files
  • Visualize single/multiple spectra
  • FTIR Auto Peak detection
  • FTIR offset and normalization
  • EIS automatic equivalent circuit modelling for coating systems
  • EIS Z0.1Hz for integrity assessments
  • Work spaces for better spectra manipulation
  • Download plots for your reports
  • You can store up to 10 spectra
  • Email support


of  the project


/ month

  • Import spectra from CSV files
  • Visualize single/multiple spectra
  • FTIR Auto Peak detection
  • FTIR offset and normalization
  • EIS automatic equivalent circuit modelling for coating systems
  • EIS Z0.1Hz for integrity assessments
  • Work spaces for better spectra manipulation
  • Download plots for your reports
  • You can store up to 10 spectra Unlimited spectra storage
  • Machine Learning correlation algorithms
  • FTIR: Raw materials peak identification from your database
  • Email support
  • You decide what to implement next
  • Special discounts on our EIS courses


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  • Specific Machine Learning models
  • Local database integration (your data never leaves your machine)
  • Discount for teams
  • FTIR/EIS measurements and interpretation
  • Coating certification (SF Tec Inspection program)